Ryan Evans
Flatiron School Blog

Ruby | Rails | SQLite | React | Redux | JavaScript | HTML | CSS

Deploying a React App with Rails API to Heroku

Deploying a single app to Heroku can be tricky, filled with trial-and-error steps to try and get it working. Deploying a React front-end application that uses a Rails API for data persistence, is like trying to deploy two apps at the same time. It’s not easy, but it can be done. For this tutorial, you’ll need to have a Heroku account and be logged in. You’ll also need to have the Heroku CLI installed (Heroku’s instructions for installation are here)

My Final Flatiron Project

It’s crazy to think that the end of my Flatiron journey is actually here. When I started, I hadn’t planned on finding such an amazing and challenging bootcamp, much less getting accepted to it. My wife and I were having our first (and only) daughter, and I already had a stressful full time career. Over two years later, I recently left my career to finish Flatiron full time, my wife has changed careers, and raising our daughter has brought an amazing amount of joy and laughter.

Redux Thunk Lab

This lab is the last lab before starting your final project with Flatiron. It’s exciting to get this far and have only one lab left!

Rails/JavaScript Portfolio Project

As I planned out converting my Rails project to JavaScript, AJAX and JQuery, I started to realize that it could be a tall order to convert all the views, relationships and forms. During office hours, we were talking about these challenges, which lead to the discussion that we didn’t originally design our Rails projects intending to convert it to JS later. That realization made me feel a little bit better about what I needed to do.

Simple Hoisting and Scope in JavaScript

These two concepts can be a bit intimidating at first, so let’s keep it simple for now.